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Ushbu sayt posted manbalaridan materiallar Eng notijorat yangiliklari hisobot uchun mualliflik huquqi «adolatli foydalanish» ta'limotlarini ko'ra e'lon qilinadi, ta'lim va muhokama maqsadlari. Biz hammamiz olib tashlash so'rovlar bilan mos.

Agar bizning mundarijaga biri sizning mualliflik buzish deb hisoblash uchun asoslarga ega yoki Izlash ba'zi noqonuniy mazmuniga murojaatlarni olib keladigan bo'lsa, please contact us using the contact menu we provide.

Please allow up to a 1-3 business days for an email response. Note that emailing your complaint to other parties such as our Internet Service Provider, Hosting Provider, and other third party will not expedite your request and may result in a delayed response due to the complaint not being filed properly.

Please note that we deal only with messages that meet the following requirements:

  1. Please Provide us with your name, address and telephone number. We reserve the right to verify this information.
  2. Explain which copyrighted material is affected.
  3. Please provide the exact and complete to the URL link.
  4. If it a case of files with illegal contents, please describe the contents briefly in two or three points.
  5. Please ensure that you can receive further enquiries from us at the e-mail address you are writing from.
  6. Please write to us only in English.
  7. Anonymous or incomplete messages will not be dealt with. Thank you for your understanding.

All the images are not under our Copyrights and belong to their respective owners. We respect Copyright Laws. Siz noqonuniy mundarijaga linkni topdik bo'lsa, Aloqa menyusi yordamida bizga xabar bering. Biz uni olib tashlash qiladi 1-3 ish kun.

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Gaiti Mulk Immobilier Service Machannkay.com