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65-4 68th Ave, Ridgewood, Ny 11385, AS


Kumaha petualangan réngsé bakal katempo anon. Aouda éta melang, sanajan manéhna ceuk nanaon. Sedengkeun pikeun Passepartout, he thought Mr. Fogg’s manoeuvre simply glorious. The captain had said “between eleven and twelve knots,” and the Henrietta confirmed his prediction.

upami, lajeng-keur aya "ifs" masih-laut teu jadi teuing boisterous, lamun angin teu veer babak wétan, lamun euweuh kacilakaan lumangsung ka kapal atawa mesin na, the Henrietta might cross the three thousand miles from New York to Liverpool in the nine days, antara 12 jeung 21 Désémber. Memang bener yén, sakali anjog, nu selingkuhan di papan tulis Henrietta, ditambahkeun kana eta nu Bank of England, might create more difficulties for Mr. Fogg than he imagined or could desire.

During the first days, they went along smoothly enough. The sea was not very unpropitious, the wind seemed stationary in the north-east, the sails were hoisted, and the Henrietta ploughed across the waves like a real trans-Atlantic steamer.

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