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Како авантура заврши ќе се види anon. Aouda беше вознемирен, иако таа не рече ништо. Што се однесува до Passepartout, he thought Mr. Fogg’s manoeuvre simply glorious. Капитенот изјави дека "меѓу единаесет и дванаесет јазли,"И Хенриета потврди неговите предвидувања.

If, then—for there were “ifs” still—the sea did not become too boisterous, if the wind did not veer round to the east, if no accident happened to the boat or its machinery, the Henrietta might cross the three thousand miles from New York to Liverpool in the nine days, between the 12th and the 21st of December. It is true that, once arrived, the affair on board the Henrietta, added to that of the Bank of England, might create more difficulties for Mr. Fogg than he imagined or could desire.

Во првите денови, тие отидоа заедно доволно непречено. Морето не беше многу unpropitious, ветрот чинеше стационарни во северо-исток, the sails were hoisted, and the Henrietta ploughed across the waves like a real trans-Atlantic steamer.

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